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My Services

Through his presentations, Zach shares what worked and what did not work to help him achieve his goals and provide teachers and parents ways to create a learning environment that is more productive and less stressful. He can do general presentations that showcase his life from birth to now about his successes and challenges, and he also can do presentations tailored to specific subjects. Among the topics he discusses include:

    strategies to help children succeed academically

•    ways for parents to remove any stressful roadblocks impacting the growth and potential of their child/student

•    the right approaches if a request or plan does not get met

•    transitional tactics for students to flourish beyond grade school

•    the proper communication methods to make children thrive in their vital interpersonal relationships

As an autism mentor and advocate, Zach will help anyone who he takes on as a client to help establish learning and social environments that are more productive and less stressful. He can provide help and assistance to children and young adults on the autism spectrum including but not limited to:

  • time management

  • organization

  • anxiety

  • relationships

  • local/campus resources

Below is a four-minute sample of a virtual presentation Zach gave in April 2020.

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